Electronics Demand Creation
with Sales Team Productivity Services
Roadmaps / Block Diagrams / Parts / Projects / Solutions / Sales / Technical Support
R&D Fuzion Engine
Visualize Faster
Organize Easier
Supervise Better
TRUE Digital Technology
Designed by Engineers to help Engineers
Engineers must constantly Research, Compare and Select parts
in the constant pursuit of Smaller + Better + Cheaper
Performance improvements, new features, size limitations, thermal problems, reduce power, lower cost, reliability, regulations, environments, End of Life, 2nd sources, supply chain issues… it never ends
To achieve this, we must wade thru a Sea of Information
500+ Million parts
1000’s of suppliers
Never ending searches
Too many bookmarks
Constantly breaking URLs
Countless datasheets
Excel files everywhere
What a Headache !
Frustrating websites, selectors, and filters… Not finding what you need… shocker ?
Reading and transcribing data-sheets into spreadsheets… Fun Times ?
Endlessly Organizing and saving part info… I’m an Engineer, not a Librarian ???
It’s NOT shopping for clothes or a hotel…
its just not that SIMPLE